The Intro...
Scanning the village from the hilltop, he breathed his first breath in five thousand years. Now that he finally understood what true peace was he knew what he had to do. Raising his hands the ground began to shudder, clawing their way to the surface were skeletons by the hundreds. They pushed into town, destroying anything they came across. Three strangers from the inn made their way through them with ease, cutting down the skeletons and advancing towards the hilltop. As they got close enough they told him to stop, but they just didn't understand. He was doing this for their own good. Throwing back the hood of his robe they gasped. Waving his left hand he summoned his warlord. Twisted by hate and infused with power the behemoth strode towards the three. In a matter of seconds it was over. The giant turned towards his master for a moment.
"When this is over, you will honor you promise or so help me no force on earth will be able to protect you from my wrath."
"Of course I will" he cooed, "but now, we have work to do."
The two started walking into town to finish what was started.
In a place removed from time and space a council was being held. Arch-Magi from a dozen worlds were present, with more than a few noticeable abscesses.
"That's 17 worlds so far, completely destroyed" exclaimed one member. "He must be stopped!!"
"But we have tried" commented another, "how many more of us must die before we realize this isn't some idle threat"
Silence descended on the room as Forge rose to his feet.
"There is another way."
The room hung in a strained silence before one man spoke…
"But that isn't our way Forge. We were selected for things like this. It is not only our responsibility it is our purpose!"
"Yes," replied Forge "but our numbers have been cut in half. How much more proof do you need that this foe is beyond us? Would you see our kind completely annihilated before admitting there are some things that even we cannot do?" Turning to his right he spoke softly…
"Go Terra, find the Malkeri and gather your companions. Tell him to find Gabriel and seek his help, for he may have knowledge that can save us. And make haste, for the destroyer has come to Midkemia"
"When this is over, you will honor you promise or so help me no force on earth will be able to protect you from my wrath."
"Of course I will" he cooed, "but now, we have work to do."
The two started walking into town to finish what was started.
In a place removed from time and space a council was being held. Arch-Magi from a dozen worlds were present, with more than a few noticeable abscesses.
"That's 17 worlds so far, completely destroyed" exclaimed one member. "He must be stopped!!"
"But we have tried" commented another, "how many more of us must die before we realize this isn't some idle threat"
Silence descended on the room as Forge rose to his feet.
"There is another way."
The room hung in a strained silence before one man spoke…
"But that isn't our way Forge. We were selected for things like this. It is not only our responsibility it is our purpose!"
"Yes," replied Forge "but our numbers have been cut in half. How much more proof do you need that this foe is beyond us? Would you see our kind completely annihilated before admitting there are some things that even we cannot do?" Turning to his right he spoke softly…
"Go Terra, find the Malkeri and gather your companions. Tell him to find Gabriel and seek his help, for he may have knowledge that can save us. And make haste, for the destroyer has come to Midkemia"
oh it's on!!!!
TheGirard, at 8:24 PM
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